Update of Teurgia website: 28 of February 2021
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. As an illustration of the update, an image is shown based on a photograph of Robert Ambelain. ...
02.03.2021 21:47 More detailsThe celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello
The celestial vault of Alessandro Farnese by Margherita Fiorello Haec, Auguste, tamen, quae vertice sidera pulsat, par domus...
02.03.2021 12:55 More detailsNature and fate — Dr. Papus
Nature and fate Dr. Papus Excerpt from the Lecture "Man and the Universe" Everyone has an egoistic tendency to ...
01.03.2021 23:27 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia website: 31 of December 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. This painting uses the magic symbols from Plate 99 (titled I. “The Seal of St. Michael”) of t...
12.01.2021 15:35 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia website: 30 of November 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in Russian. The update illustrates an image of a magician conjuring air spirits - sylphs. The author of th...
02.12.2020 13:26 More detailsThe first day of the year — Margherita Fiorello
The first day of the year by Margherita Fiorello The legend says that Numa Pompilius, the successor of Romulus, in his r...
02.12.2020 03:24 More details12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus
12 Houses in astrology: their meaning by Papus From the book "The Tarot of the Bohemians" In the 1st hous...
02.12.2020 02:10 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia website: 31 of October 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates the "Guardian of the Threshold" image. The author of the illustration ...
02.11.2020 00:28 More detailsThe plurality of personalities — Sar Dinoil
The plurality of personalities and the peculiarity of character change Excerpt from Sar Dinoil's "Developing of astral abilities" Th...
01.11.2020 20:35 More detailsPhysiognomy and planets — Margherita Fiorello
Physiognomy and planets by Margherita Fiorello The shape of the body in all living beings depends on the temperament. Wi...
01.11.2020 20:17 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia.Org website: 30 of September 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with a scene from the famous Icelandic legend of Galdra–Loftur...
01.10.2020 01:26 More detailsOccult correspondence theory — Sergei Tukholka
Occult correspondence theory by Sergei Tukholka In the preparation of talismans and in all magical actions, the so-called theory of occult c...
30.09.2020 23:40 More detailsThe four elements and occult correspondences — Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight
The four elements and occult correspondences Lecture by Baal-Hiram and Eric Midnight (Teurgia.Org’s administrators) Welcome to the T...
30.09.2020 22:13 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia website: 31 of August 2020
We introduce the Teurgia.Org website update in English. The update illustrates an image with an exorcism scene. The author of the picture is Visionis ...
01.09.2020 11:40 More detailsAstronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia — Prof. Antonio Panaino
Astronomy, astrology and astral divination in the Ancient East and Persia a lecture by Prof. Antonio Panaino The following is an abstra...
01.09.2020 09:55 More detailsUpdate of Teurgia website: 8 of September 2019
We present the first update in the history of the portal Teurgia.Org in English. The update is illustrated by a picture depicting the magical images of the Spirits of the Sun according to the book "Elementary Treatise on Practical Magic" ("Traité élémentaire de magie pratique") by Dr. Papus. A description of the appearance of the Spirits of the Sun according to the "Practical Magic" of Papus can be found in the corresponding article.
The website Teurgia.Org has been operating in Russian, providing readers with materials on the Western occult tradition since 2009. The decade of the portal was marked by access to international space. The need to provide access to our original copyright articles, materials, publications has been brewing for a long time, and its implementation was associated with significant work to improve the platform on which the website operates, and finally, it happened.
The materials that will replenish the English-language section of Teurgia.Org are devoted to the practical methods and practices of the Western occult tradition, in particular grimoire magic, theurgy, mysticism, initiatory societies, the history of magic art and occult sciences, alchemy, tarot, traditional western astrology, Enochian Magic and many other relevant topics.
Authors of high-quality and interesting materials on the Western occult tradition in English can contact the administration of the Teurgia.Org website with a proposal for cooperation at this email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Martinism in Russia
Apartment in St. Petersburg where martinist Gregory Mebes lived — Melius Magus
An article with photographs (with help of which you can easily find this place) about an apartment in St. Petersburg in which lived and worked, and also held Martinist meetings, a prominent figure in Russian Martinism, an occultist, a mathematics professor, Gregory Mebes, with his wife, also a Martinist Nesterova Maria Alfredovna. The article also provides information about their arrest, followed by destructive exiles to the Martinists' health and life.
Occult systems of correspondences as a base of magical practice — Baal-Hiram
Baal-Hiram, creator of the Teurgia.Org website, gives recommendations for the study and practice of occultism, a fundamental part of which is the initial study of occult correspondence systems.
Does the magus need religion? — Baal-Hiram
In this article, the author discusses what religion is for the magician, whether it is identical to confessional affiliation; what distinguishes magic as art from magic as handicraft; and also the authors highlights some other nuances of such a delicate topic.
Philosophy and methods of Ceremonial Magic
The importance of building a reverent attitude towards occult symbolism and inventory — Baal-Hiram
In this article, Baal-Hiram, the creator of the portal Teurgia.Org, discusses the importance of respecting ritual instruments and symbols, explains the reason for the need for such an attitude, and the ins and outs of attempts by people with a philistine consciousness to treat sacred objects and symbols neglectfully.